Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Maple Mustard Glazed Salmon

I was in Victoria, British Columbia for about a week this month.  I ate a lot of fish there and it was AMAZING.  One of the best dishes I had there was a maple glazed salmon burger at the Pink Bicycle.  I devoured that thing.  Seriously.  I think it took me two minutes to eat.  It was a little embarrassing.

Ever since I ate that burger, I have been craving maple glazed salmon.  I bought some Oregon salmon (close enough to BC salmon, I think) from a natural food store here in Lubbock.  However, I knew that "Maple Glazed Salmon" wasn't just maple thrown on top of a salmon steak.  I sought some expert opinion:  my mother's :-)

Here is what we came up with:

Maple Mustard Glazed Salmon

1 salmon filet (about 5 ounces)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
a dash soy sauce
garlic powder
onion powder

I was feeling pretty lazy, so I just threw this on a pan in the oven and baked it at 400 degrees Fahrenheit with a sweet potato for a side.  It would be GREAT grilled either outside or in a grill pan/on a George Foreman.

1.)  Season the filet to taste.  I used salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.  My pepper was Hot Shot, a blend of red and black pepper, so it had an extra layer of flavor.

2.)  Put the seasoned filet in the oven for about 10 minutes (mine was frozen so it took longer).
3.)  Mix together the maple syrup, dijon mustard (I used Jack Daniels mustard because it is awesome), extra virgin olive oil, and soy sauce.

4.) Pour mixture over the salmon filet.

5.) Continue baking until flakey.  My glaze burnt a little around the edges, but I recommend thawing your salmon more patiently if you buy frozen.

I ate it with a salad and a sweet potato.  So good.  It wasn't quite as good as the Pink Bicycle burger, but that may have something to do with the company.

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