Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mango Cheesecake Parfait

Yesterday, I ate pizza for two meals and it was GOOD.  Really good.  However, I felt REALLY bad.  Of course, the whole day was a bit of a mess on my part.  It began okay.  I had set my alarm for 8 AM to get up and Remy on his morning walk.  Because it had rained (yay for rain!) the night before, I was conflicted about what to wear. I checked the weather and it was a bit cool, so I put on jeans and a tshirt then took Remy out.

Within five minutes, I was hungry and thirsty, but Remy wanted the longer walk because he didn't get one on Friday.  It seemed like a good idea anyway, since the park was probably a mud hole.  I walked him around the neighborhood and he was in rare form.  He barked at a bunch of dogs.  A bunch.  Even dogs that he normally would ignore, he barked at.  My patience was wearing thin.  Finally, we got back to the complex.  I had to throw Remy's poop bag away, so I went to the right.  Remy, however, was desperate for his breakfast, so he went straight.  My feet started to slide in the mud, and I tried to right myself.  I thought I had managed it, but my other foot slid when Remy try to pull me towards the apartment again (not that he has that much power). I started to fall, grabbed out for the stupid bushes and still hit the ground.  I was caked in mud and Remy was not sympathetic at all.   He wanted breakfast.

After that lovely experience (and a shower), I went back to bed.  However, I had plans so I had to get up eventually.  Between the fall and missing my exit to Jill's house, I was finished.  Pizza for lunch!  Then, I had a birthday party for a friend's son, and I went for pizza and cake there too.  I won't go into the other things I ended up eating yesterday.

So I was determined to be better today.  And I was.  Part of that "better" came from not falling on either of Remy's walks today :-)  The rest of it was from a lovely dessert I made myself for a late night snack.

I do this "cheesecake" a lot and I use a lot of variations.

Mango Cheesecake Parfait

1/2 a medium mango
1 container greek yogurt (I used Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla)
1/4 box of Jello sugar free cheesecake pudding mix

Slice the mango.  You can use another mix in/layering agent here.

Mix together the yogurt and cheesecake pudding mix.

Layer the mango and the yogurt (I only did two layers of pudding with fruit in the middle, but if you use a container that isn't as wide, you can use more).

Top with whipped cream and a cherry (or other toppers).  Crushed graham crackers would work here too.

It is about 130 calories and it fills in that need for something sweet after dinner.

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