Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! My philosophy about today (and holidays in general) is that it is about love. Not just romantic love, but love of all types. Love of family, friends, strangers you see who need it. Everyone. Even ourselves. In that frame of mind, I decided to treat myself. However, that doesn't have to mean being unhealthy. For dinner today, I made a Garlic Balsamic Steak with Mushrooms and mixed greens. This "recipe" was a thrown together deal, so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. However, it came out like this:
Here is what I did: Garlic Balsamic Steak with Mushrooms and mixed greens 1 6oz sirloin steak (I used a lovely antibiotic/hormone free, grass fed steak from Natural Grocers*) 1/4 cup fresh button mushrooms 1/2 cup Newman's Own** Lite Garlic Balsamic Dressing***, divided (You can make your own marinade/dressing--see below) 1 1/2 cups mixed salad greens (I used Organic Girl Five Happiness--also from Natural Grocers) First, marinade the steak in 1/4 cup dressing. Put the steak in a ziplock bag and pour the dressing over top. I kept it in the refrigerator for about an hour. Jostle the dressing around in the bag periodically. Then, wash and dry your button mushrooms. I forgot about mine and put them in a cup with 2 tablespoons of dressing for about 15 minutes. Longer would be better. Ideally, you would marinate them as long as the steak (but in a separate container). Take the steak out of the refrigerator. It should sit at room temperature about fifteen minutes so that the meat cooks evenly. Heat a cast iron skillet (my go to skillet for many recipes) on medium/medium high with a tablespoon of olive oil (or canola oil). Add the mushrooms (reserve the dressing). Saute for about five minutes. They will spit a little, so be careful. Pat the steak dry. This will help the browning. Move the mushrooms to one side (but do not remove them). Add the steak to the pan. Cook it for 3-5 minutes. Flip it and let it cook for about a minute, before adding the reserved dressing (mushroom marinade). I poured it mostly over the sauteing mushrooms. Let the steak cook for another 2-3 minutes, depending on the doneness that you are looking for. My steak was a little more to the medium rare side than I would have liked, but I was impatient. I didn't let it come to room temperature and I don't think I actually let it cook for three minutes on the second side. The dressing should thicken into a sauce. On a plate, add the mixed greens. You can add other vegetables. I wanted some nice bell peppers and cucumber, but they didn't look good. You can also add shaved Parmesan. Place the steak on the other side (or slice it and put it on top for a steak salad which is also yummy) and top it with the mushrooms and sauce. All that is left is to devour it! * I am not advertising for Natural Grocers. Or at least not for pay. **I am also not advertising for Newman's Own (for pay). ***A quick balsamic vinaigrette: whisk together (or shake in a canning jar) a tablespoon chopped garlic, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, 3/4 cup olive oil, salt and pepper to taste (if you like a sweeter dressing, add some honey)

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